Friday, March 12, 2010

See Ya In New York - I'm Gettin' FONGED!!!!

Why am I blogging when I should be writing lists and mailing bills and packing for New York?  well, because I have diarreah of the mouth and mind and would much rather commuicate than work!!!!

Katie will post updates post-surgery, I'll take over when I stop drooling and hitting the morphine pump.

Do you think Dr. Fong would mind that I just made a verb out of his name?

Fong; Fonging; Fonged - to perform life-saving oncological surgery on dieseased organs; to scoop out nasty-ass tumors...feel free to add your ownd definitions!



  1. Peggy, I like Fong as a verb - an action verb to the nth degree! All your your warriors are with you on this one - with an army like this, there is nothing we can't accomplish. As they say down here in Carolina, Y'all take care and y'all come back now, ya hear! love you - Kirsten

  2. Peggy, I like Fonged as a verb - action verb to the nth degree! All your prayer warriors are with you on this one - with army like this, there is nothing we can't accomplish. As they say down here in Carolina, y'all take care and y'all come back now, ya hear! love you - Kirsten

  3. Peggy: How about making your "ASS" squeaky clean and beautiful and your liver "Delectable" as Hannibal Lechter would say!! We are all with you every second in prayer and that little Guardian Angel will be watching over you for all of us at the Wellness House.


  4. fongtastic, fongalicious, fongfree,infongable, unfonguerable, fonglike, fongful, afonged, fongfashion

  5. :) your sense of humor, positive attitude and faith will carry you through. God speed, Peggy!

  6. Sending all of our best wishes, hopes and prayers your way!
    Cheryl Charnas

  7. I seem to gravitate towards Fong You cancer!!!

    I love you Peggers,

